<aside> 🚧 Here, you will find important information regarding our school's age restrictions, admission fees, and policies. We aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the school admission policy and the guidelines students and parents need to follow. Please read through the information carefully to ensure a smooth enrollment process and a positive learning experience for your child.
Age Range: 5-18 Y (Kindergarten - High School)
To be admitted to the Islamic Sunday School at ISNRV, children must be at least 5 years old on or before September 30th at the time of application. Admission is not permitted for children who turn 5 after, even if it's only a few days later, such as October 15th.
<aside> 🙅🏼 The School Admission Fees are composed of Supply Fees + Tuition Fees.
<aside> 🙅🏼 Would you prefer to pay the Tuition Fee semesterly or annually?
If you are unable to afford the school fees, we offer the following financial assistance options based on your needs:
Would you prefer to pay the Tuition Fee monthly?
Parents are fully responsible for registering their children in the classes of their choice through the registration form based on the course curriculum and prerequisites.
By completing the registration form, you confirm that you have read and agree to abide by the Islamic Sunday School at ISNRV policy and the course guidelines. It is equally important that you inform your children about the classroom rules and etiquette they must observe while in the masjid. We will also communicate these rules to the students to ensure everyone is aware of the expectations. By signing the form, you and your child acknowledge that you have read and understood the following guidelines:
We emphasize the significance of regular attendance in Quran classes to ensure consistent progress. If a student repeatedly misses classes, we may have to consider transferring them to a different class to maintain the progress of other students. While this rule doesn't apply to Arabic and Islamic classes, we still encourage students to attend all classes and remain committed to their education.
In order for your child to be eligible for the ceremony, they must attend at least 65% of the weekly classes and participate in the semester exam. In case they are unable to attend the exam day, arrangements will be made to conduct an online exam for them.
Enrolling your children in the Islamic Sunday School at ISNRV necessitates their adherence to our school policies. We kindly request your support in reinforcing these principles. Please be assured that your cooperation will help create a positive and conducive learning environment for all students. Should you have any further questions or require clarifications, do not hesitate to reach out to us.